Hi there! Welcome to mmp-notes. Here, I note some of "my" thoughts, hacks ideas and much more. You may find some of it useful or interesting. Let me know your thoughts/comments on the content here by commenting them on the posts.

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Guthlee - Laddu
guthlee movie review
Along with providing entertainment, movies have been used for reflecting the existance of societal problems. Some even go further and suggest solutions. I watched a Hindi movie today named Guthlee. Here are my reviews on it. I am not trying to convin...

chunauti health
पेट्रोल कि गाडि नये लिये तुम, तेल कौनसा डालोगे पानि से तो नहि चलेगा ये, मिट्टि कि तेल तो नहि डालोगे? कुछ लाखों कि इस यंत्र पे जो तुम, प्रेम इतना बरसाते हो कमालो के अपने देह को तुम, घटिया कुछ भि खिलाते हो? धूप तपाति है तुमको, कांपते हो थोडि थंडि से...

Preparations for ekadashi
ekadashi health
Today is Ekadashi! You might already know the benefits of upavasa (fasting) or intermittent fasting (for gen-z), so I am going to share some of my findings / preparation tricks here. Let’s take a divergence here and understand something different. S...

bhayam nasti kadacana
bhayam nasti kadachana
Chaturmasa is here and so is working from office. To manage the udaram-bharana (act of filling the tummy) while maintaining vrita, I decided to cook for myself. To not waste time while cooking I listen to dasa-kritis or vishnu-sahasranama. Last Frid...

Linux memory notes
programming linux memory
Read these shorts (tests) to understand how the memory allocation works in Linux. Test 1 Flush the system buffers $ echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches Before allocation $ free -m total used free shared buff/cac...